The prizes
I was awarded

When I began working as a professional photographer, who even thought I would be awarded prizes? That was not my priority!
I was happy to offer my customers photographs that could freeze their special day in time; their satisfaction was mine too.
In time, I felt the need to compare myself with other photographers, also to understand where I was with my work; that’s when I started participating in wedding photo competitions.
During the last fifteen years, I was awarded several national and international prizes. It was a fun way to prove my value to myself and to the others, a way to show those who did not believe in me that I had something to say.
And I said in the only way I knew, in tune with my perception of beauty, emotions, and the love for details that can create a special environment.
It has been wonderful to learn the art that even wedding photography can offer.
Alongside the prizes, there were several interviews on the national radio, articles for the New York Times and the Corriere della Sera, all truly rewarding.
Nevertheless, at the end of the day one realizes that the real satisfaction is giving our couples a special moment to freeze in time; photographs that witness the birth of a new family and will be part of it during its growth.
This is a list of the prizes I was awarded; who knows, I may be awarded more in the future, but they have never been, and will never be, the main purpose of my works.