Frequently Asked Questions
I only realize wedding photography using a reportage style, this particular kind of photography doesn’t require any poses but it tries to tell all those little important moments of your special day in the most natural and spontaneous way. Personally, I don’t like to steer your special day, which must be something belonging only to the bride and groom and not to the photographer’s; I’ll try to be as unobtrusive as possible. I think that if you like classic wedding photography, that is posed photography, I’m not your man.
No, obviously I can travel all around Italy if it’s necessary to meet with your requests. Obviously, all traveling expenses, that is petrol, tolls and overnight accommodation, can have an impact upon the wedding costs. Also because a wedding out of my region can bring an undertaking of more than one day, as a consequence, this may result in a loss of weddings here in Tuscany.
You can write to me at, then we can arrange an appointment at my studio or at your place. If this is not possible, we can arrange contact via Skype or video conference. If you decide to employ me as your wedding photographer, I’ll make you sign a contract that certifies and confirms all your choices and will require a deposit also. The contract is based on the TAU Visual models, which is a national association of professional photographers of which I’m part.
Reportage is strongly connected to what really happens so it’s impossible for a photographer, even the most watchful one, to take a picture of a situation that doesn’t exist. The most touching weddings that you can see in my blog or in those of my colleagues have been really rich in events; obviously, sometimes the photographer can make a difference because he can anticipate or catch an event while it’s happening. but if nothing happens it’s true that he cannot do too much about it. For this reason, I ask the bride and groom and their guests to help me and make sure that many things could happen during the wedding day so to make their story exclusive and touching.
It would be untrue of me to say that location isn’t important. By “location,” I mean all those places that are part of your wedding day; for example, if the getting ready of a bride is realized in a little dark room, this would not give me the possibility to take high-level pictures but, to tell the truth, nobody could do it in the same conditions. Luminous and spacious places are fundamental elements to have high-quality pictures, for this reason, it is important to retain those aspects when you’re choosing the location together with all those funny and touching events that can happen during the wedding day as I’ve previously said.
No, I’m not, but if you need something particular it’s not a problem for me. If you like a picture with a dear friend or a distant relative, it’s not a problem! Would you like to immortalize an important speech made just before dinner? Well, you’ll be satisfied! The only thing I need is to have dinner provided if the wedding ceremony extends all day long. It is important to remember that with a reportage style, it is not possible to guarantee the presence in all the pictures of all the people taking part in your wedding. If you have a particular request, for example, classic group photos or similar or pictures with parents, grandparents, please let me know, and I’ll be glad to make this happen.

It is quite difficult to answer this question because every year there are periods that are in high demand. According to my personal experience if you intend to marry in June or July, it would be better to contact me at least a year before, especially if the wedding will be celebrated on Saturday or Sunday, which are public holidays.
Absolutely not! Reportage pictures are a mirror of your wedding day, so it is quite absurd to make a person slimmer or without wrinkles if he or she has them. As everything and everybody are captured at that very instant, it becomes impossible for me to change the shooting angle to immortalize your “best side”. Your wedding is not a fashion shooting! So if on the day of your wedding you want to see yourselves slimmer, very beautiful, without wrinkles well, you probably don’t need a reportage photographer but maybe a fashion one. In this case, I won’t be the ideal photographer for your wedding.
Of course, I can! A classic posed picture with your parents and relatives is a memory you want to keep regardless of my style, and I would never dream of refusing to take them. I don’t include them in my website or in my blog as they wouldn’t fit in, but that doesn’t mean I don’t take them! You could even help me with a written list of the guests you want to include.
Well, it’s not so easy to estimate a price because each wedding is a separate situation, and many factors and requirements can influence it. The price will depend on our clients’ needs; the best thing to do is to contact me after having seen my website, then we’ll talk about your specific needs, which will help me define all the economic aspects.
Well, I do not personally handle the making of the video during the wedding, but according to my personal experience, I’ve realized that there are some fundamental elements that the cameraman should have to allow him to work at his best. It’s clear that my advice is useful if you decide to choose me as your wedding photographer. I think that cameramen using big video cameras just like those used in the 90’s with spotlight is an absurd solution or, worse than ever, if they also use lamps in the church; all this is far from my personal vision of taking pictures. Reportage is not a way of taking pictures that can be planned; it is a moment taken in a split second, and if you want to do this,